Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Sophie's Heart by Lori Wick

This might be the day of the blogs... lol I'm reading a book with my cuz called "Sophie's Heart". We are going to use our blogs to discuss books that we read... so read along or choose to ignore. :)

I've made it pretty far today b/c my boss is gone again. Something really hit me though...

"You could have told me," she went on, "that you have cancer, and I would know there is no cure. But sin is good news. Sin has a cure because of Christ's work on the cross." (pg. 351)

How amazing is that? No matter what sins we deal with, whether they be easily vanquished or daily battles... it all comes down that there is a cure because Christ sacrificied his life just for us and that we have power over sin and death. It's not something that has to burden us or that we feel we will never escape from... b/c one day sin will be no more.