It's snowing!
Well, not much accumulation, but its snowing. I'm hoping for a delay to work tomorrow! :) Wishful thinking, I know!
Not much is going on... today I had a lovely little fainting spell while taking a shower. i'm still not exactly sure I passed out but I was definitely totally confused for a few minutes.... I think it was only a few minutes at least.
I got this book in the mail yesterday from Ebay... its on shyness. It has a great 1970's cover on it. So far its interesting... and I'm only on like page 3 on the Introduction. It takes about the varying degrees of shyness and how there are really no scientific studies on shyness. I'm happy that I'm not as debilitated as some though. I still might not want to do something totally stupid, but there are those that I am comfortable around. One scary thing though is that it talks about how those that are shy can have a lack of relationships that lead to intimacy... and I've wondered that b/c of my "freak out" over a blind date type situation last week. I think a part of me would be so scared if a guy I liked ever liked me back. I wouldn't know what to do... but we'll see. Hopefully that will happen in the future. I'm looking forward to reading it... I'd like to put to use some of the tips that the book promises to have... although they do say that there is no "cure" for shyness.
Well, only an hour of work to go. I hope the clock speeds up! Have a good night and stay safe!
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