Friday, August 26, 2005

So sleepy...

Happy Friday y'all!

I am so tired right now... I feel that I could go to bed right now and sleep until morning! I couldn't go to sleep last night, my imagination was running into overdrive. And something, God perhaps, made me get up and check to see if the garage was closed, and it was open. But then I couldn't go to sleep after that... and then a four legged creature of mine decided he needed to sleep on my bed. So then I woke up at 4:30 to put him out... fun times.

Yesterday was my first day to ever stay a long time after work hours. I was getting in my car and the bell tower rang 6PM! WOW!

Btw, I never really had a lot of Tech spirit but I seem to have more now... maybe its just missing the campus. Not that I'll probably go to any sporting events really, unless its work related! But its been nice hearing the marching band practice... they even went around some of the campus today. And while I hate walking from my parking spot during lunch time... its a nice walk on a pretty day going to work and home.

Keep praying for my grandma and my roomie with their sicknesses. Also, so a prayer for Clayton and Mica with the memorial service being tomorrow.

Have a great weekend!