Good morning!
Here's an early morning blog for you... well, I guess 8AM isn't really early, but I'd much rather be in my bed at the moment.
You may see the new additions to the blog, thanks to my dear friend Whitney. I have some links to my old church and new church as well as Soapcity and Ebay. Ebay is very dangerous. Also, I have some other blogs added... my roomie, cousins/friends, a person I don't know but is very interesting and an actor and actress...
Thanks for the comments on the job situation. I totally agree that I need to be seeking God on this. I've been praying about the whole job situation anyways. Its funny how God is. There are some things that have been very clear in my life on what I should and should not do. Other things, like the job hunting, I've felt very... lacking in direction. No clue what I want to do really... or if I have an inkling of what I might like to do, I have no idea where to find it. When I pray for others, it seems to come easier on what God wants me to say or do. With myself, not so much. But I'm continuing to pray... we'll see what happens.
Last night I got to hang out with Jen (old boss) and I guess her opinion on me taking the job is based on if they make any changes. Right now she's doing the work of 2-3 people. So once I know what the duties will be, I'll run it by her again. I figure that I could apply anyways and if I even get an interview, that's one step. I need to learn and grow up and actually get a job that requires me to do work. And I definitely need to learn some new programs...
We'll see what happens this week... time for me to wait for the phone to ring at work and go look at the job ads. Have a wonderful day!
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