I feel kind of like a mom tonight...
I'm being so productive. I'm rather proud of myself tonight... it is something I need to make more of a habit. You ever have times where you look at things and think "This doesn't look so messy, but then it really is..." So tonight I cleaned up the dishes, the dishwasher is going, and cleaned out the fridge. Now I need to take out the trash but I'm waiting for someone to come home. Gus + Nighttime and the alley = Trouble
More of my productivity: I'm on my third load of laundry, took Gus for a short walk, a tape back to Blockbuster (Gus tagged along for the ride), and I'm making snacks for tomorrow. Since we practically had to beg my boss to do something, he decided that we could bring snacks tomorrow to celebrate the holiday. Yep, he's present-day Scrooge. So I'm making tortilla roll-ups (cream cheese and hot sauce- YUM!) and pigs 'n a blanket (Double YUM!!) ...
So that's my night... now I just need to clean the house this weekend and I'm ready for the holidays! This weekend's adventure is trying to be like Martha... Christmas gifts being made for friends. YEA!
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