A prayer pager...
Rebekah Tauber is a 15 year old girl from Houston who is presentlyUnder going cancer treatment. She is a fierce Christian who attendsMemorial High School.Rebekah is wearing a "prayer pager" (1-800-250-6939) that is beingsponsored by Second Baptist Church in Houston. Please take a minuteout of your busy day to say a quick prayer for Rebekah, her family and herdoctors asking for God's guiding hand to be with them through thisordeal and then call the toll free number (1-800-250-6939) It willvibrate letting Rebekah know that someone has prayed on her behalf.I called the number and it truly is a prayer pager. You only need toput in your zip code, no phone number or name. Lets all give this littlegirl a warm buzz.Call.... it just takes a second or two!
Isn't this an amazing idea? I think its great. I called it and its the real deal.
Have a great weekend folks! I'll write more later!
P.S. Nicole - I couldn't find that book anywhere. I went to 5 bookstores. I guess we can pick the next author and I will get that one.
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