Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Spring Fever Anyone?

Yep, I have spring fever... too bad its not warm outside. And its going to be colder and rainy this weekend. Sad day. But I am ready to go through totally cleaning the house. And I mean, TOTALLY! Getting everything all nice and tidy and organized... getting my finances in order. I'm ready to feel that nice sense of accomplishment and pride when everything is nice and clean.

And I'm definitely ready to go outdoors! I'm ready for the days to be longer and to wear t-shirts and take the dog on long walks.

Enough tangent though... I have a website for y'all to check out.
Its about a little boy (soon to be four on Valentine's day). He's had a rough little life so far. His parents are involved in one of my 'Net friend's sunday school class. They set up a site to keep everyone involved in what is going on in Stanton's life. They are in definite need of prayers and God's comfort and love!