Thursday, April 21, 2005

It's almost Friday!

YEA! I'm ready for the weekend!

I had a post all typed up yesterday but there were some blogger errors so it didn't happen. Nothing too important or anything like that.

Yesterday, to my delight, I got to see two friends that I hadn't seen in awhile. One girl had been my friend back in HS so I got to catch up with her when I ran into her at One Guy's. Its crazy how she's a couple of years younger but has so much more done. Well, I guess the typical things. She's been married 5 years and they are thinking about having a baby.

Then I got to see my dear friend Whitney last night. We had a good time at Gardski's - hopefully we can do that again soon.

Hasn't the weather been great? I just wish I was outside more to enjoy it. Too bad this weekend will be cooler and rainy. Bleh! Well, that's it for now... not much going on in my life really.

One week until vacation in FL. WOO HOO!