It's Saturday...
and where am I? At work... yep, been here about an hour already this morning. Who knew that our big event would be SO time consuming! But yea to the fact that I think I will get paid overtime... so that helps some. Looks like I'll be here literally ALL day today working on a meeting, table arrangements and nametags. Then we have a reception tomorrow night so that will be all of the afternoon as well. I think after it is all said and done, I can look back and think that everything was totally worth it. And next week, we get new carpet in the office. YEA!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! I'm looking forward to my 3 day weekend coming up for spring break! I hope the weather is beautiful then!
Say a prayer for my stress level though... I want everything to go well... and I have some other stresses in life as well, but that's all a part of growing up I guess!
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