I'm in a food coma...
I ate too much for lunch at yummy Double Dave's. So now I'm sitting at work being useless because I'm sleepy and wanting to lay down.
I was skimming through Ecclesiastes looking for a verse and noticed how many times that it says that our life is meaningless here on earth. So what do you find meaningful in your life? I was trying to think of things that I've accomplished... I graduated college, own my own home and a car, I have a job that can provide for my needs... and really that's it. Those things aren't really meaningful although they are definitely blessings from God. Some of my friendships seem fleeting, a significant other or even know that one day I'll have children of my own. The crushes I've had didn't amount to anything so that was a meaningless time in life... I know that everyone goes through a time where things don't seem that great in life. I really have nothing to complain about... just a time of uneasiness and unsurity about where my life will head.
My prayer is that I hear God more. I want to be able to read, hear, or see something and know that it was 100% from God and that He spoke it just to me. The spiritual things are what is meaningful in life and that is what I want to improve/focus on. I want God to be my focus and my heart's desire.
That's my thought for the day... I hope everyone has a great week!
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