God sure loves smacking me upside the head...
I know I'll get the "hugs" later... but it seems like I'm noticing how much needs to be changed about myself. I want to have my "real" self shine out more... then this weekend, the end of the sermon was things that can block your walk with God. I'm guilty of those: negativity, doubt, and low self-esteem.
The low self esteem is always prevelant but I'm going to attempt to step back and not let myself think how I'd look/sound/act like a fool or people would think I'm stupid or not pretty enough. Same goes for the doubt. I need to just step out in faith that God is unchanging and loving and will keep His promises.
I've especially noticed how much negativity I have towards my job. Yes, I totally dislike my boss and the work I have can be boring, but I really need to step away from that. Its not good when a work day can affect the rest of your day, and it doesn't necessarily make my "light" shine any brighter in a world of darkness. How can others around me be encouraged to start or strengthen their walk with Christ if all I do is complain? And although its scary, lately I keep hearing of people that God tell to stay in a job they don't like. That scares me... but I need to keep in mind that maybe I am here to witness to my coworkers OR even get my boss back on track. Or He's teaching me patience. Sometimes that seems totally unlikely, especially with my boss, BUT God can do anything, can't He? And really, with this job, I'm able to live in the house I do, meet the needs that need to be met, and occasionally splurge! So I need to be grateful for what I do have and learn to just wait on God's timing for the other...
Ok, off my soapbox for now... highlights of the week. Saturday night we went to the Mercy Me/Jeremy Camp concert! It was great! And there was this "duo" called Monk and Neagle! They are excellent. I highly recommend them! I got to eat at Olive Garden on Sunday! Tonight is game night with the singles group and Thursday is the Grand Opening of Kohl's! YEA!
Hope y'all are having a great week! Continue to pray for me as I become obedient to Christ and with His help, change how I think!
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