Wednesday, March 23, 2005

How do you want your funeral???

So this topic really isn't meant to be morbid or anything. But with all the talk of the Terri Schiavo case, I've thought about it lately. If I was in the condition that Terri is in, I think I'd rather go ahead and have my family let me go be with the Lord.

So have you ever thought about how you'd want your funeral to be or any wishes? One of my friends wants to be cremated... she wants to be mixed in the ground and planted under an oak tree (on land that will be safe from bulldozers). Which is interesting... definitely a nice place for families to go to besides a cemetary. Her mother though, insists that she'll be buried. So that'll be an argument between husband and mother-in-law if that ever happens!

I really like that idea though... not so sure I'd want to be cremated but it'd be nice to be in a place outside a cemetary. Not that it really matters to me in the long run though! But I think I'd like my funeral to be a celebration. Lots of good food! Singing... that sort of thing. And Nicole, hopefully years and years from now, but I'll be buying a box of sparklers for yours!

Ok, so maybe this whole topic is a little morbid!