Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Sunshine-y Day!

So I realized that some of my posts of late can pretty much be considered a beat down. And from a convo with the roomie, I really understood that its ok to tell God my desires or say "whys?". Which yes, I have realized that before, but sometimes its hard to remember that God wants that "friendship" with me... and He knows my friencs get enough of my ramblings!

So on that note, an upbeat post... in honor of the times that Nicole and I had to go on a "run" and of course, had to stop in Drane to get candy...

The Laffy Taffy jokes... and yes, they are still as lame as ever.

Q. Why did the old man tiptoe past the medicine cabinet?
A. He heard there were sleeping pills in there.

Q. What's big and red?
A. An elephant with chicken pox.

Q. What did the ocean say to the shore?
A. Nothing, it just waved.

Q. Why did the duck cross the road?
A. He didn't want to be called a chicken.

Q. When is homework not homework?
A. When it is turned into the teacher.

Q. What did the cake say to the candle?
A. You're burning my back.

Oh I know each of you is wiping tears of laughter from your face... admit it, you are. (My fav. is the cake joke...)

And I've checked out the blogs lately. Help a girl out. I'm bored at work, y'all need to UPDATE! Except Nicole... she gets leniency b/c the baby needs rest. :p