Sunday, October 31, 2004

The Election Connection

Tidbits from today's sermon from THF... capable men from all the people - men who
fear God, trustworthy men who will hate dishonest gain - and appoint them as
officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. Have them serve
judges for the people at all times...
Exodus 18:21-22 NIV
We learned all about the founding fathers today, the ones that wrote the Declaration of Independence. They were men of faith, and the source for the Declaration was biblically influenced. In fact, 24 of the signers were ministers.
In the verse above, the bible makes it clear that the kind of leaders chosen are paramount to the well-being of a nation. Choose a man who makes God their reference point.
As a Christian, it is our duty to vote in this election. We must remember that biblical values make a huge difference in society, and that good citizenship demands obedience to our responsiblities and it establishes a legacy for years to come.
Principles of Choosing:
  • Choose conviction over convenience. (2 Samuel 23:3)
  • Choose personal character over priviledge (Isaiah 5:20-23)
  • Choose people over policies/politics (Psalm 16:7)
  • Choose GOD values over political agendas (Psalm 33:12)

5 Questions Important to this Election:

  1. How will he value life?
  2. How will he view using the unborn for stem cell research?
  3. How will he define marriage?
  4. How will he address human cloning?
  5. How does he validate the weak, sick and elderly? (Euthanasia)

In the last election, 13.75% of Christians voted with a God conscience. If you want God results, do things God's way. Let His voice be heard in this culture. Think about what the bible says, not what is popular opinion when you vote on Nov. 2nd.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." - Edmund Burke - Irish orator, philosopher & politician (1729-1797)


Saturday, October 30, 2004

I did something that wasn't on my list of things to do...

So today I went to look at Mazda Tributes... just look at them, mind you. I wanted to see what "Pebble Ash" looked like. I've researched the brands and talked to some people that own them and love them, and others that prefer Mazda over Ford... So we pull up to the lot and I tell mom, "Don't get out, we'll get attacked..." But we get out anyways, and BOOM, there's the salesman. A very nice man named James... who happened to be a Christian too.

So we take a look and go home to tell my dad about it... then we look at my budget to see if I could afford it... go back up to test drive and eat lunch (at 3PM - late for us!) then we headed back. I didn't really think I could get a payment low enough... but we managed to - 3 1/2 hours later. So now I am the proud owner, and slightly freaked b/c its yet another grown up thing to do of a 2005 Pebble Ash Mazda Tribute...

A word to the wise.... always stick to the things to do on your list.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

It has been awhile...

I thought I'd have a nice fun background... trying to find a cute little train graphic to go on my blog.

I started this knowing that my life isn't particularly exciting and I'm not the most witty... and I probably won't truly bare my heart on here when I have problems.

This is one I've been struggling with lately... friendship. When is it ok to let people take you for granted that you will always be there for them and when is it time to let go. I have a dear friend who hasn't been there lately. They make plans with me then come up with excuses... I've decided to be there for them no matter what, but I do have to admit that hurts.

In the women's bible study I've been going to, last week was about if events/people hurt us or God. Well, in this situation, the only one getting hurt is my feelings. So I just have to look for what God wants me to do or maybe this is just a relationship where I give and don't get much in return...

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

This is just a work in progress... you may say that I'm pondering what to do... ;)