Sunday, November 28, 2004

A blogging we will go, a blogging we will go...

Hi ho the dairy-o, a blogging we will go...

I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Mine was pretty good... enjoyed the food. Somehow I managed to stay full since Thursday though. I spent a lot of time at my parent's house this week, Emily (roomie) was back home celebrating with her parents. Gus definitely got worn out though... last night we got home at 7PM and he basically stayed in a "sleepy" state until this morning at 8:15. DANG! I haven't seen him sleep that much since I first got him. We'll see how he does tonight though.

I got to hang out with the "J" side of the family for the main turkey day meal. That was pretty good. Then that night I went and hung out with the "B" side of the family... they had drove in for the holidays to spend with my cuz Jana. We woke up at the buttcrack of dawn on Friday... well, not as early as the really crazy people who'd show up to places at 5:30AM. Seriously, are the deals that good??

I still have to get a pic of me with the new hair color... I'm getting used to it, my dad still wants his "blonde haired child" though. :) Hopefully, I'll get a pic of the house too. We have a tree in the front bedroom, and I got my cute blue and clear icicle lights up too!

Well, I've talked myself out. Have a wonderful Monday, folks!

Monday, November 22, 2004

Oh, the weather outside is frightful...

But the fire is so delightful... well, I don't have logs for my fireplace, but the weather part is true. Maybe its not frightful... but its been foggy/misty/shower-y this weekend.

This was a pretty crazy weekend... lots of stuff was accomplished. The main one would be that I went a little crazy and decided to dye my hair... and not just blonde or light brown... nope, its a DARK brown. Like Nicole, or Chelle... probably closer to your color hair... its dark. I'm still shocked by it when I see myself in the mirror. I wanted to try it out darker, and my hairdresser was like "Oh, I know what color!" So apparently, the coffee bean/sun tea color helps tone down the redness in my face... (or the roseacea as the stupid Clinique people like to comment on). Its not that bad. People have said that they liked it though... so it could be lies, or they actually do. Its just VERY different... I'll give it a week or two to get used to it.

We've started putting up Christmas decorations at mi casa... so its in the process of cuteness yet its trashy because there are boxes everywhere! We managed to get Emily's tree up in the front bedroom, so that's all cute because you can see it out the window. My tree is up, but its not decorated yet... This tree is huge to me, maybe it is the tiny house, but its a full 7 1/2 foot tree. We have about a million different nativities up around the living room/dining room area. We did manage to put up lighted garland in the kitchen above the cabinets so that's cute! That's about it though. Hopefully, we'll have it all clean and finished by tomorrow night so people will have a place to sit when they come over to watch TAR!

This is one long post but I have to post about what we talked about last night at bible study. We watched the "sermon" by Beth Moore from the One Day event in Memphis from 2000. She talked about the greatness of God, and how He deserves to be high and lifted up. She talked about how the right hand signifies strength and where we get our security... think about what that means when Jesus is the right hand of God. Anyways, she asked us to think about where we get our security and strength... our satisfaction from life. Mine would definitely have to be from friends or the one day love of a guy. Then Beth talked about how that is a lie (no matter if its a good thing) because that's what we replace God with. Very good point. So she asked if we wanted our strength and security to come from God... if we did, we had to give those up. That's a tough thing to do, especially when you see those around you having the "benefits" of a marriage. But its true... really, even if I married "Mr. Right" or "Prince Charming", that isn't going to be something that completely fulfills my life and I'll always be happy and content. I know it will be a battle... but I just have to constantly remind myself that the Lord is my satisfaction.

Ok, that's it for now!
Ta ta,

Friday, November 19, 2004

And yes... this is Michael Vartan... yep, I'd so like to date/marry this guy... if it was based on his character on tv (since I don't know him) and if he loved Jesus. Posted by Hello

I was very excited to read an article saying that Alias (my absolute favorite show!) was going to be starting on January 5th! A little bummed that its moving to Wednesdays, but since LOST is getting so much attention, maybe it will boost ratings for Alias. Did you know that the fan base for Alias is called a cult following -- lower ratings but die hard fans? Hard to imagine me being in a cult huh? Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Odds and Ends...

I think I am losing my chatterbox mouth from when I started this blog. Or its the rain... still not going away. I'm starting to zone out at random times due to not seeing the sun.

Let's see... not much going on. Last night was a first! My dog Gus was not very happy about going outside when it was about to rain and was pretty vocal about it. So I brought him in, knowing that it would end up with me getting ticked off at the dear puppy and his butt going back out the door... but nooooo... Gus had to prove me wrong. He jumped on my bed and didn't get up until I did this morning. Such a good pup. So we'll try this out tonight and see what happens.

Little things I found on the Net this week... Its a website for my old preacher's son. He has a CD, not bad, not bad at all. I love the little snippit of Amazing Grace that's on there. Very good guitar playing!
The other thing was a bit about Nicholas Art (aka cutest lil' boy ever)... he is working on a movie with Matt Damon and George Clooney where he plays Damon's son. Syriana is due out next year. And I found out that he's in kindergarten.

Well, the boss is gone, so I think I might watch "13 Going on 30"... continue praying for me with the job situation.

Watch The Amazing Race, CBS, tonight at 8PM Central!

Monday, November 15, 2004

Rain, rain, go away...

Well, its been raining/misting since Saturday... its quite fun and I'm tired of it. Rain is in the forecast for two more days I think. I think Gus will be happy when it stops raining too! He spent 45 minutes outside crying/barking last night. *sigh* I'm hoping there's a break long enough to go for a walk, I'm tired of being indoors... which is weird because that's usually my preference. It looks like this weekend will be nice though. Enough of the weather in good ol Lubbock.

I'd be grateful if y'all could pray for me. I'm thinking about applying for my old bosses' job. I really want out of this office and I think it could be a good learning experience. It may be a bit stressful which I need to work at dealing with stress anyways. It does make more money than this job which is nice since I now have a car payment, and I could save up for trips faster. (Marco Island and Italy: Here I come!) And did I mention it would get me away from here???I'm praying about it but I'm not really getting an answer, so I figure that I'll just continue praying and we'll see what happens if I even get an interview or a job offer. One of my mom's friends is also applying. I just wish I could find a job and just be like "YES! That's what I want to do!!" So prayers would be greatly appreciated as I figure out what God wants me to do.

Also, my church's band has a CD out now... I think you can listen to it on the 'net... check it out!

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

This is Nicholas Art... the cutest little boy ever! Seriously, I can only hope that my future kids are this freakin' adorable. He plays Zach on Guiding Light --which happens to be the best soap ever! -- Yeah... this kid has been on so much lately, he probably has college paid for. Posted by Hello

Good morning!

Here's an early morning blog for you... well, I guess 8AM isn't really early, but I'd much rather be in my bed at the moment.

You may see the new additions to the blog, thanks to my dear friend Whitney. I have some links to my old church and new church as well as Soapcity and Ebay. Ebay is very dangerous. Also, I have some other blogs added... my roomie, cousins/friends, a person I don't know but is very interesting and an actor and actress...

Thanks for the comments on the job situation. I totally agree that I need to be seeking God on this. I've been praying about the whole job situation anyways. Its funny how God is. There are some things that have been very clear in my life on what I should and should not do. Other things, like the job hunting, I've felt very... lacking in direction. No clue what I want to do really... or if I have an inkling of what I might like to do, I have no idea where to find it. When I pray for others, it seems to come easier on what God wants me to say or do. With myself, not so much. But I'm continuing to pray... we'll see what happens.

Last night I got to hang out with Jen (old boss) and I guess her opinion on me taking the job is based on if they make any changes. Right now she's doing the work of 2-3 people. So once I know what the duties will be, I'll run it by her again. I figure that I could apply anyways and if I even get an interview, that's one step. I need to learn and grow up and actually get a job that requires me to do work. And I definitely need to learn some new programs...

We'll see what happens this week... time for me to wait for the phone to ring at work and go look at the job ads. Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004


No clue where that is from... a commercial maybe? In honor of making changes, I thought this post should be my most hated color: pink!

I wonder why I am so afraid of changes. In the past 12 months, I have bought my own house, bought a car, and been the "mom" to a mini Aussie named Gus. I don't deal well with changes, hence the "Post puppy syndrome" I went through where I cried the first month (or 2 or 3) when I got Gus.

Anyways, as most of you know, I hate my job. Or most likely, my boss. He's one of those that tells lies so often he doesn't know what the truth is. He buys stuff with company money... gets paid for overtime for doing personal stuff. Just not the greatest man... the type where he says "good morning" and I just want to throw something because he gets on my nerves so much. Luckily, his latest outburst over the phone at me last week was witnessed and he was deemed "stupid and appalled by his behavior". I've been looking for a job for the past few months. Had one interview... and that's about it.

My old boss from when I was a student assistant is leaving this month to move to Seattle. I'm sad because even after two years, we are still good friends. Luckily, email exists! But one of my friends mentioned trying to get her job, which scares me. Its a lot more work, which would be for any job I apply for. I've learned to get out of my shell, mainly when the job calls for it. And it would be nice to be back with people I know... plus, more money, which is always a good thing, especially with the Trib' being my newest purchase. And with Gus thinking that it is totally ok to demolish his toys without a thought to being bored later. So I think I will apply... I won't worry or be bummed if I don't get a call back. I'm very limited with job qualifications on programs because my work depends solely on a scheduling system (which for scheduling systems - its rocks), heck the "Office of Naval Intelligence" in D.C. uses the system!

Anyways, I thought this job would hook me up with a few more programs to add to the resume... a bit more experience with people AND it will get me out of my current position... I won't be trapped there... so if I can ever figure out how to get into real estate (no job openings anywhere) OR be the girl that changes the way that downtown Lubbock looks -- wouldn't it be cute with little shops and NO one way streets???-- then I could just leave. Not exactly what employers want to hear, but hey, what's a girl to do?

Monday, November 08, 2004

Today was Jury Duty day...

This was a first for me... and just so you know, if you get a summons, GO! Its your responsibility... plus I think you get fined or something. They sent out 700 summons for today and only 200 people showed up. I was there ALL day today.

Showed up and waited for about two hours while they placed us in courts. Mine ended up being for a murder trial. I am so thankful that I wasn't picked... not because it was a waste of my time, but I didn't want to look at the pictures, hear the whole story, and decide on a judgement. Not saying the guy was guilty yet, of course. Its funny how its human nature is to walk into a room and then wonder what the defendent did. Its not "oh that guy is still innocent"... you have to rethink the situation to view him as having innocence. This guy was 25-26 years old and charged with the murder of a 19 year old woman. It really hit me hard today... especially because the woman's mom was on the back row.

I felt horrible for her. Everyone was griping and treating this like it was such a burden or waste of time... when they finally picked the jury, you could tell from the look on a couple of faces that it was a waste and they hated it. Made me feel for the woman... this isn't some inconvience to her. Its justice for her daughter's death. They asked questions today... would you be able to give judgement if the guy ends up guilty which could put him in jail for 5-99/life years. One lady said she would have a hard time with putting the guy in there because he was so young. I was already thinking "If he did it, he deserves a lifetime in jail."

It really made me think today... about how judgemental I can be, what little disregard I have for the justice system, and that I am glad there are people out there trying to make things right. I think one of the reasons I wasn't picked (they say that they always pick the quiet ones) was because I knew the assistant D.A. from my univ. ministry... and I'm glad for that. I don't think I could be fair or impartial when it came to a life being taken.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I was so glad to hear that my cute lil President is still President for four more years! Go Bush!  Posted by Hello

Training days

Sadly, I won't really be here the next two days. I'm stuck in training with my boss for two days. Joy upon joys...

I hope they can manage to decide that Bush is President today! :)

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Sophie's Heart by Lori Wick

This might be the day of the blogs... lol I'm reading a book with my cuz called "Sophie's Heart". We are going to use our blogs to discuss books that we read... so read along or choose to ignore. :)

I've made it pretty far today b/c my boss is gone again. Something really hit me though...

"You could have told me," she went on, "that you have cancer, and I would know there is no cure. But sin is good news. Sin has a cure because of Christ's work on the cross." (pg. 351)

How amazing is that? No matter what sins we deal with, whether they be easily vanquished or daily battles... it all comes down that there is a cure because Christ sacrificied his life just for us and that we have power over sin and death. It's not something that has to burden us or that we feel we will never escape from... b/c one day sin will be no more.

I'm living in a snowglobe...

Wow! Its snowing! How crazy is that??? And the even crazier thing is that we don't really get snow in Lubbock. I woke up to a dusting of snow on the ground. I think my puppy Gus was pretty pleased with the snowfalling. Considering that I wanted him to go potty and he was just running around like a crazy man.

Today has started out good. I love snow, its so pretty! And my boss is supposedly going to leave this afternoon so that makes it even better. So I'm hoping the good day will continue into tonight and the right man for the job will get to stay President!

Winter Courtyard Posted by Hello

This is outside of my work... in the courtyard area. I took it right after I got into work. Too bad the camera is bad, you can't really tell its snowing!

Monday, November 01, 2004

November 1st Already!?!

Wow! Where does the time go??? When the year comes to an end, it makes me think that I'll be an old grandma next week or something. At least I've had some major things this year... moving to my house, getting a puppy and now a car... and some happy times, visiting my cuz in Tyler and going to Marco Island with internet friends. So this year has been better than others where I sit thinking "What did I do that was anything this year?"

Nothing major happened today... My boss was gone early, so I read a book. Fun times. Its getting cold... I've been told that I'm a pansy for freezing in 50 degree weather... well, get ready for gripes... its in the low 30s tonight. We may actually get a chance of the white stuff tomorrow! WOO HOO!

Don't forget to vote tomorrow... its the Big day! Hoping and praying that my cute Lil Pres gets another term! :)