Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Hola Amigas!

Well, my post for this week... I guess I should comment on the unusual going ons of my life... last week Emily, Jeremy and I went to the Rooftop Cafe, which is a place that we've never been before. So the food is pretty good and pretty cheap compared to other places... which is always good. But the waiter there actually flirted with me! Not a big deal to others but we'll just say that its been years since I've actually known I was being flirted with. (Gotta love my life!) So Monday, I didn't have plans for dinner really, so I decided to go to that place to eat. Scary, because I've never ate by myself before at a place that actually serves your food... and well, I've just never done that before! But the waiter was there and we talked quite a bit. A lot actually. He lives a couple of blocks from my house, he did go to Tech for awhile, has a dog similar to mine but a mutt version. And at the end, he kind of hinted at getting my phone number but then he had to go take an order and I'm clueless. The only bad thing is that I'm pretty sure he isn't a Christian, so he'll have to be in the friend category. Luckily, I'm doing pretty good at not getting my hopes up or dwelling on it because I know that the man that I will eventually want to marry will be a spiritual leader.

But it was still fun getting flirted with and actually knowing that a guy could be interested in me! :) And its weird having that happen because I have no idea how to react to that. I can't even imagine a guy wanting to call me or what we'd talk about.

So that's my rather lame news... lol considering I'm a quarter of a century old. :p

I hope y'all are having a great week!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I'm in a food coma...

I ate too much for lunch at yummy Double Dave's. So now I'm sitting at work being useless because I'm sleepy and wanting to lay down.

I was skimming through Ecclesiastes looking for a verse and noticed how many times that it says that our life is meaningless here on earth. So what do you find meaningful in your life? I was trying to think of things that I've accomplished... I graduated college, own my own home and a car, I have a job that can provide for my needs... and really that's it. Those things aren't really meaningful although they are definitely blessings from God. Some of my friendships seem fleeting, a significant other or even know that one day I'll have children of my own. The crushes I've had didn't amount to anything so that was a meaningless time in life... I know that everyone goes through a time where things don't seem that great in life. I really have nothing to complain about... just a time of uneasiness and unsurity about where my life will head.

My prayer is that I hear God more. I want to be able to read, hear, or see something and know that it was 100% from God and that He spoke it just to me. The spiritual things are what is meaningful in life and that is what I want to improve/focus on. I want God to be my focus and my heart's desire.

That's my thought for the day... I hope everyone has a great week!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Hello everyone!

So I missed my weekly post... I did think about posting yesterday but I put it under the "not so interesting" category... but here's what I have anyways!

It's sad when things that were around for your childhood don't exist for the most part anymore. But the yummy "County Line" is no longer open to the public. The person that owns it now is going to make it into some sort of corporate event retreat type place... and it may be a camp too. I've heard that it will have a huge ropes course, and that they are going to build a guest lodge as well. So maybe the yummy BBQ will still be served for their meals??

On the upside, the former university minister from Indiana has started a new ministry. I think that it is mainly Indiana people that attended it, but every Sunday at 6:01, they meet for praise & worship and a little bit of teaching. Their first Sunday was 3 days ago. Emily and I went and it was pretty good. There's people of all ages there, but I think it may be more geared to "young professionals".

So that's my news for the week so far... back to work!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Here's my weekly post...

Maybe I will actually manage to have more than one post this week... even though the last one didn't bring any comments about my questions or life. But hey, at least it wastes 4 minutes of your life reading it! :)

So maybe this question will: Where do you go to meet people? I've decided I'd like to get out a little more and meet new people, but I don't really know where to go. I don't want to go to clubs or bars... going to the movies or out to dinner doesn't really provide opportunities to talk to others. So where do you go? Sugar Brown's for coffee? I think my roomie and I might try going to another church on Sunday nights to try to meet some more people.

This weekend, I'm going to the Beth Moore Simulcast on Friday night and Saturday morning. I don't really know anything about it but it should be good! I really like Beth Moore.