Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Well, its that time of year where the holidays are fast approaching. I love this time of year... all the decorations and times to give gifts. The little parties that everyone has... my house being totally cute! But its also a time to remember all that our Savior has done for us. Sometimes it still blows my mind that our salvation came from a little baby that was born on this earth.

Thanksgiving would be one holiday that I never really think much about though, minus the yummy food! I don't ever contemplate what I have to be thankful for... but this year, that is changing. It started on Monday night when a friend and I decided that we should try to follow the word and be thankful in every situation, whether it is good or bad. It really helps to change your view on things when you are having a bad day and you have to tell God that you are thankful for this because it could be a struggle that brings you closer to Him, or it will teach you something new. Whatever it is, God puts it in our lives for a purpose, and usually, even when we don't realize it, our reaction to it and our growth from it can be something that will just totally glorify God.

For me, the situation most on my mind is Grandma. I've been used to seeing her tired or kind of out of it, not thinking too clearly or speaking too clearly; but Monday, she was really tired and not talking, and that kind of scared me a little bit. Then yesterday, she was really talkative and aware of things around her... so that threw me too. But as hard as it has been or as hard as it will be in the future, I am so thankful for the opportunity to see her. I never really would have thought I would say that, as horrible as that may sound. Lately, I've tried to go every day, even if it is just to give my mom some company... but it is nice being able to leave every time knowing that Grandma knows how much I love her. I had issues with deaths in the past because I didn't feel like I got to say goodbye, and now, each time, I treat it like it is the last. Its not as depressing as it sounds... I'm just thankful for this time, even if I wish there was more times to talk about her past or little things like that.

Now to go on to superficial things, I've really been enjoying the singles group at my church. Sure there's like 5 or 6 others so its small, but we really have gotten to know each other more deeply. I just wish that we could all actually hang out on the weekends! But after bible study last night, which was held at the Metro Tower... an incredible view of the city by the way, four of us went to Sugar Browns. "Cloud 9" is SO good (steamer w/ toasted marshmellow and white chocolate). It was a lot of fun even if I did regret staying up late when I had to get up this morning!

Well, I guess I should start doing some work. On a random note, I'm thankful that I stopped hiccuping... that's not fun after 25 minutes! Have a blessed Wednesday!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Time Change...

Life this week isn't all that eventful. I had to go to "work" at the Lady Raider's game last night, but the plus side was that I got to hang out in the Chancellor's suite. Its nice up there.

Other than that... I'm just tired. I think it must be getting used to the time change or something. I think I get enough sleep but it certainly doesn't feel like it. *yawn*

I'm having a craving for pizza at the moment. The office down the hall got some and it smelled so yummy. So I'll definitely have to get some pizza sometime in the near future. We have a Little Ceasar's by the house, so its a large pizza for $5. Can't go wrong with that! And its good!

Oh, and for the "ole flirty boy" update, he wasn't there. Sad day. But I guess that means that I can continue waiting and praying.

I hope that the rest of this week goes by quickly and wonderfully for y'all. Two days until the weekend!

Friday, November 04, 2005


So yesterday I realized the importance of preparing, double-checking and being on time.... the realization hit me at oh, about 7:45 last night when I have taken over two tables in FedEx Kinko's sorting out papers so I can get twenty packets binded together by this morning. Really, Nicole, we should have gotten raises for using the binding machine in the Chem. building. Also, whoever invented the color copier... yeah, they must be rolling in the dough and hanging out with the Donald. Some reports weren't done because I thought someone else could do them (don't always trust what people say) but luckily, my boss is amazing and its ok. Then the printer smelled like it was ready to burst into flames so there's the need for the color copier. So $240 and an extra hour later, I finally made it to the office today. And since, the packets weren't ready, of course I had to go to Krispy Kreme while I waited... But in a little less than 4 hours, the meeting will be over and all will be well. I know to have everything done at least the day before!

I'm glad its Friday. The roomie and I are going to hang out tonight so that'll be fun. A little trip to see if my dear flirty waiter boy is working, the all exciting grocery shopping and then maybe picking up a few things for the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes... its a good night! The other weekend plans are going up to visit Grandma (they figured out she has a lung/skin infection called "nocardia") and then maybe start on some Christmas shopping and buying some more work clothes.

Have a GREAT weekend everyone!

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Sorry that I'm late with the weekly post... I just don't have much to say really.

I thought about posting on Monday... I wore pjs to work! Which is always fun!! And comfy! We have the Child Development Research Center so all the little kids came trick or treating that afternoon. They were so cute! We had a fall festival at church that night with a cookie decorating booth. I think some of those kids got their weekly amount of sugar from that one cookie after all the icing, sprinkles and candy was put on it.

Well, not much else is going on. I have a big meeting tomorrow that I'm trying to prepare for. And I still have to figure out how to do a couple of reports but I have to wait on others to get me some numbers. So I'm in a panic mode this morning.

Say a prayer for Grandma. She isn't doing well... its tough figuring out how to let someone know how much you care. Times like this make me happy that God is our comforter and our future destination is more amazing then we can imagine.

I hope everyone is having a great week! I'm excited with the upcoming holiday season!