Monday, March 27, 2006

Happy Monday!

I posted a blog today on Myspace, just to be different. If you don't know how to find me, just pretend this is a new version of "Where's Waldo?" and start looking... :)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Is it really Spring?

So of course, last month we had temperatures near 80 degrees and then when it is officially spring, our highs are in the 40s and 50s this week. Makes sense to me! NOT! But thankfully, over the weekend, we did get some needed rain so I guess that should make everything ok.

Well, my office looks like it threw up and the papers multiplied. Literally. We went through all the old files, b/c really every year, there was someone new in this office. So we, and by we, I mean my boss who worked this weekend... went through the files and got rid of duplicates. And now there are files that I get to review and keep because I have no clue what they are for and then we get to refile everything. Should be fun!

In other news... I'm thinking I have that TMJ thing that Nicole has... or did have? yesterday at lunch, my jaw sort of popped and it has hurt ever since. It was worse this morning but now that I have ate lunch, it feels a little better. So instead of going to get my teeth cleaned next week as scheduled, I'm going today so they can check out my jaw and then clean. Then today, I read that the only way to fix TMJ is to have your jaw broken, so I'm thinking my blood pressure might be even higher than normal, and that means I get to sit there to "calm" down for a few minutes because they won't clean your teeth if your blood pressure is a certain level.

Dang, I should middle aged or something. :) I hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far!

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Happy birthday to Nicole, who is a wonderful cousin and a great life long friend. i'm so glad that most of my childhood memories involve you and Jana! We had the best times!
HAPPY 27th BIRTHDAY!! (whoa, that's old)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

It's a sad week in L-Town...

First, where did my motivation to work go? All I want to do is play, or lay around... read a book, go see a movie, anything other than work. And that's not so good when there is still a lot of work to be done! I did take off at 3Pm yesterday, after working a 20 hour weekend, so that was nice. Got the oil changed on my car finally, voted (YEA Matt Powell and John Steinmetz!), and played the Dance Dance Revolution game for about 30 minutes. I know that I won't go to a gym, but I think i'm going to start playing that more!

The sad thing in L-town this week is that the One Guy's by Tech closed. :( Actually, that whole area did due to the renovation project. So Dario and the yummy pizza won't be back at all, or at least a year and a half. That's a bummer. Still waiting to find out where they are going to relocate to since they got maybe a month's notice... and officially a week's notice of when everything was getting shut down.

Anyone know the best and maybe cheapest way to get a passport? And with all of the anti-America sentiment, anyone know about passport covers?

have a great rest of the week! * I chose grey b/c its cloudy outside. bleh!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

It's Saturday...

and where am I? At work... yep, been here about an hour already this morning. Who knew that our big event would be SO time consuming! But yea to the fact that I think I will get paid overtime... so that helps some. Looks like I'll be here literally ALL day today working on a meeting, table arrangements and nametags. Then we have a reception tomorrow night so that will be all of the afternoon as well. I think after it is all said and done, I can look back and think that everything was totally worth it. And next week, we get new carpet in the office. YEA!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! I'm looking forward to my 3 day weekend coming up for spring break! I hope the weather is beautiful then!

Say a prayer for my stress level though... I want everything to go well... and I have some other stresses in life as well, but that's all a part of growing up I guess!