Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Have a great weekend gang!

I'll be headed to Florida tomorrow before the buttcrack of dawn (Sad day!)...

So while I'm off relaxing on the beach, I hope y'all have a great weekend as well!

I'll update on Tuesday! I *heart* y'all!

Monday, April 25, 2005

Ashes, ashes, we all fall down...

That line in the game that little kids play always made me think of my cat. This post is dedicated to my sweet boy that passed on Saturday. Now, I know that there isn't proof that animals will be in Heaven, but I know that God is our Father, so He'll want to make me happiest. And that will be having my cat right up there next to me while I'm praising God. Might be a little lame to admit that, but that's how I feel. Plus, hey, he wouldn't have to worry about weight problems, so Ashes will probably get all the Pounce treats he could ask for.

It was really tough letting him go yesterday morning. Apparently he wasn't really eating, going to the bathroom, no begging for food, or meowing really. It was definitely heartbreaking to make the final decision to let "my baby" go. It was weird thinking of everything as Ashes "last"... so he got his last bites of biscuits and gravy, and his last drink of water from "his cup". Daddy took a couple of pictures of him and me. Beautiful I'm sure because I was all red anyways from crying. I got to sit on the couch with him and have him curl up next to me... and he purred one little second and went to sleep. That vet trip was probably one of the worst things I've ever had to do just because he's meowing his "Going to the vet" meow and I'm saying "its ok" but it isn't going to be ok... We went to the vet where Kinsey (my newest friend) works because I wanted someone to be in there that at least knows me. I wanted to go in with him so he wouldn't feel abandoned. They gave him a shot to relax him and then the shot that put him to sleep. It was really hard leaving him in that room because he didn't seem dead. We didn't take him because we thought the dogs might try to dig where we buried him. I regret it a bit now but its for the best. And really it doesn't matter I guess. My dad is going to build some sort of memorial thing in the backyard, that's really nice of him.

Now some of you might think its crazy that I'd get so emotional over a cat, but Ashes wasn't just a cat. He was a part of my life for 16 years, he'd lived in all of my childhood homes. He was my constant friend growing up during the times that I was lonely since I had like one close friend pretty much. He was my little purr baby. Yes, he was a snob to others but not so much to me. He wasn't the cuddly cat that just knew when you were upset, but he was the sweetheart that would shove his head under my chin when he wanted a kiss on the forehead. Or he'd give the "suck up" look when he'd really want something you were eating. Which was the case a lot of the time. Or there were the times where I managed to sneak him into my room at night so he wouldn't go out, and he'd curl up next to me at night purring like a madman and kneeding his claws into my leg. Or those nights when I had insomnia, and watched Xena- a long time ago- and he'd perk up when the centaurs came on the screen. I'll miss the little things like that. Ashes jumping on the bed and waiting for me to arrange myself so he'd have his perfect curling up position. Having him run into the bathroom when I was in there so he'd get a drink. Or making sure to save a little of my dinner so he could have a little of everything. That cat would eat more veggies than I would!

It was tough today at my parents... I got up a couple of times to look for him because that's so much of a habit. Come in, say hi to my parents and go find my cat. Eating lunch was tough b/c I didn't have a paw or head up bumping my arm... and sitting on the couch reading the paper and not having my little furr ball squished in between me and my mom. It seems lately that I'm at a loss of words to clearly express my feelings at times when I want to express them most. I know that it'll get easier. But I don't think there will ever be another cat like my sweet baby, Ashes. I miss you Ashiepoo.

His picture is below. Aww, cuteness.

Here's my cute baby...

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This is one of my favorite poses that Ashes would do.

Labor Day 1989 - April 23, 2005

Thursday, April 21, 2005

It's almost Friday!

YEA! I'm ready for the weekend!

I had a post all typed up yesterday but there were some blogger errors so it didn't happen. Nothing too important or anything like that.

Yesterday, to my delight, I got to see two friends that I hadn't seen in awhile. One girl had been my friend back in HS so I got to catch up with her when I ran into her at One Guy's. Its crazy how she's a couple of years younger but has so much more done. Well, I guess the typical things. She's been married 5 years and they are thinking about having a baby.

Then I got to see my dear friend Whitney last night. We had a good time at Gardski's - hopefully we can do that again soon.

Hasn't the weather been great? I just wish I was outside more to enjoy it. Too bad this weekend will be cooler and rainy. Bleh! Well, that's it for now... not much going on in my life really.

One week until vacation in FL. WOO HOO!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

It's a quiet day today...

Not many emails, not much internet, not many phone calls. Its just a quiet day at work. I did have some pleasant events today. I went to One Guy's at lunch (always a treat!) and I saw a girl that I used to be friends with. Its so crazy how we only have a couple of years difference in age but we are so different. She's been married 5 years and they are thinking about adding a baby to the family. Now I know that at times I do feel a lot younger than my age, but I couldn't imagine having a kid now and I'm the older one!

Then tonight, I get to go out with my dear friend Whit... we haven't hung out really in like a year! That's crazy! But it should be fun tonight! I can't wait...

And this weather is amazing. Its so nice outside today and there's no wind! Excellent! I only wish I was outside instead of sitting indoors. Oh well, only an hour and a half to go!

Y'all have a great night!

Monday, April 18, 2005

He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?
~Micah 6:8

Today's blog is on a little more solemn note... seems like a lot of funerals have happened lately. Today I went to the funeral of a man named Bob McBrayer, and it was just so amazing to hear about him from his kids and the preacher. I knew him since I was a small child, one of those grandpa types that you'd always run up and give a hug too.

It just got me thinking about what eternal things have I done in my life? Does my life show that I have God in me? It was just cool to hear Dr. Ray read off the fruits of the Spirit, b/c Bob possessed all of them. I hope that when my time comes, my life will have bore fruit and something meaningful.

Friday, April 15, 2005

A Dream Job...

The job I mentioned yesterday might not even be a "dream" job, but the company is!! I went last night to drop off my resume and left feeling more encouraged then I have felt in a long time. The woman I spoke to had one of the sweetest spirits that I have ever met and I really hope that I get the opportunity to work with her. I don't think I have ever been this excited about a job ever, but I'm trying to not get my hopes involved at all. She made it clear that whoever gets the job will be there by Divine Appointment. I am going to just pray about this and that God's will is done. It would be nice if either Emily or I got the job though.

So please be praying for us... and that we will be able to have strength, patience and peace in this time.

And have a very happy Friday! We're going to Chili's tonight with the singles group and then either watching "Ocean's 12" and/or "Spanglish"... I'm looking forward to it!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

I finally found something worth applying for!

So today I decide to check out the real estate websites and the first one I went to was "B". And lo and behold (just wanted to say that phrase), there was a job! Now, I don't exactly have the "outgoing personality" that they list as a qualification but I showed it to my internet friends and they said that it described me to a "T". But of course, I'm also outgoing to them. LOL But I also got a vote of confidence from my best friend... so I am going to apply.

"B" is just one of those companies that is kind of the best of both worlds. I've been interested in residential real estate for like the past two years, there are just never openings in what I'd like to do starting off. And lately, i've been really interested in community development and charity work... and "B" is all about both. Plus its a Christian work environment! So that's just really cool.
So be praying for me and Emily please. She's actually going to apply for the job too. That God will give us strength and patience in our current job situations and that if one or both of us get interviews/job offers that we will be reminded that God has HIS best in mind for us no matter what happens.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


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This skirt definitely explains why polka dots need to be on birth control... in case you can't see... the bottom half is MILLIONS of baby polka dots. 

And in other random news, I really love when you go outside and you can feel the sun hitting your skin.  Niiiiiiiiiiiccccccccccccceeeeeeeeee.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Good morning!

I just want to say how much I love Beth Moore... not only is she such a godly woman, but she has such a dynamic personality! I went to the "Believing God" bible study last night... and while I realize more and more how much I struggle with unbelief or that God isn't really working in my life, its nice to see He is.

Last night after the bible study, Lu asked me to share my testimony with her... and that's something that normally I'm almost ashamed to do. Just because I feel its not very impacting or "BIG" or something. Short version is that I thought I was saved at 11, struggled with doubts and uncertainty on my salvation for about 10 years, and then I decided to commit my life. So I know I'm "saved" but there still wasn't this huge change or anything. I feel like I've been trapped in baby Christian mode for years... So usually I think "oh, they aren't going to think much of me... I'm not a good Christian." But last night, I actually felt comfort. Like its ok that my testimony isn't all that because God isn't done with me.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be
terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you
wherever you go."

~Joshua 1:9

Monday, April 11, 2005

How's the week starting out?

My Monday has been going ok, could move a little faster for me though! I'm going through a phase where I can't think of much to say... but I'll write what I can. Today's post will be dedicated to my excitement about going on vacation in 18 days! I'm definitely ready to go... in need of a change of pace and a change of scenery!

So in 18 days, I get to be on the beach watching a beautiful sunset (view picture below) with dear friends. AND I get to meet an internet friend who I haven't had the pleasure of meeting face to face before. Oh, it will either be a joy or I'll get sassed to death. :) We will have so much fun, Amber! Plus, we get to meet "stars" from one of our favorite shows... and I have a feeling I will come back with at least one embarrassing story from those.

So there's my looking forward to some fun in the sun! Hope y'all have a great Monday night!

God's beauty viewed from the balcony...

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Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Hello gang!

Anyone else having problems blogging? The past two days I either get an error page or a "page not found"... hopefully errors have been swept out the door.

I don't have all that much to say... prayer that I can get my positive attitude back. Its fading...

Isn't this an exciting post? I'm getting my home computer back! That's very exciting since its been sick for quite some time. And I'm going to start slumming... back to dial up connection. I'll just be saving SO much money though...

Well, I need to finish up some work, I just thought I'd type a boring post for you to waste your time on reading! YEA!

And WHOA, its windy out there!

Friday, April 01, 2005

I am alive... really. I am.

Sorry I haven't really blogged any this week. I keep meaning to bring something with me to work that I can quote but it just isn't happening. But I can work with what I have... its from the Beth Moore bible study.

31“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you[a] as wheat. 32But I have prayed
for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back,
strengthen your brothers.” ~Luke 22:31-32

In this verse, Jesus is talking to Peter. It shows that Satan has to ask for permission to come after us. AND it shows that Jesus himself is praying for you during those times. Isn't that amazing? He's praying that our faith will not fail us in times of attack.

In the video, Beth Moore is talking about a time where she was "sifted like wheat" by Satan. It was in a time where she was really walking close with God, but He wanted to move her forward into new areas in her life. Satan brought up past sins that she hadn't dealt with in years, and through the sifting, she learned that she had not only was she prideful but that of a victim. Everyone wronged her when maybe all she needed was an attitude change and to realize that everyone's actions are not all about her. And while the sifting was painful and tough, she managed to get through it by continuing to seek God.

I'm sure none of us want to be sifted or to go through times where everything seems to not be going our way, but I think its great to know that Jesus himself is there for us and praying on our behalf. How great is that??

Have a great weekend everyone!